Hippie Chicmake - Sleep as a form of rest of the body must be considered carefully, including pillows that we use. Because the thickness of the cushion can affect brain health and our nerves.
According to the author of The Sleep Doctor's Diet Plan, Michael Breus, pillow cases must be properly addressed.
"The pillow is one of the devices to bed that has a huge impact on the quality of sleep and overall health," says Breus, as quoted from the Prevention.
"The primary function of a pillow is to align the spine in the neck, so there is no strain on the neck muscles during sleep," explains Breus reported Okezone.
Still according Breus, pillows should have the right thickness, not too thick or too thin. If it is too thick or thin, neck pillow can not make you relax during sleep.
"Choose a pillow that has a medium thickness, which can align the position of the ears and shoulders," says Breus.
Breus suggests, if you have a friend while sleeping, try asking for help to him to pay attention to your position when sleeping. Selection of the right pillow, to rest the nerves and muscles of the neck, thus reducing the risk of neurological diseases, such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's
According to the author of The Sleep Doctor's Diet Plan, Michael Breus, pillow cases must be properly addressed.
"The pillow is one of the devices to bed that has a huge impact on the quality of sleep and overall health," says Breus, as quoted from the Prevention.
"The primary function of a pillow is to align the spine in the neck, so there is no strain on the neck muscles during sleep," explains Breus reported Okezone.
Still according Breus, pillows should have the right thickness, not too thick or too thin. If it is too thick or thin, neck pillow can not make you relax during sleep.
"Choose a pillow that has a medium thickness, which can align the position of the ears and shoulders," says Breus.
Breus suggests, if you have a friend while sleeping, try asking for help to him to pay attention to your position when sleeping. Selection of the right pillow, to rest the nerves and muscles of the neck, thus reducing the risk of neurological diseases, such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's
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